Plants produce the oxygen we breathe, so you could say that plants are the reason we’re here. Plants are also one of our best tools for cleaning up the air.
If you want to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in your home while also increasing oxygen levels, these plants will help.
Content Summary
Highest Oxygen Producing Plants – Snake Plant
The snake plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue or sansevieria (though it doesn’t have a tongue), is a low-maintenance succulent that can be placed in any room of your home. These plants are great for air purification and removing toxins from the air.
It thrives in low-light areas but will also tolerate direct sunlight. It has shiny green leaves with white stripes that resemble snakeskin. They’re easy to care for and do not require much water or attention!
The snake plant is perfect for those who suffer from allergies because it’s such an effective air filter. You can place one near any allergy sufferer’s bedside table if they have trouble sleeping due to seasonal allergies or asthma flare-ups caused by dust mites or other allergens found in bedding fabrics like wool rugs, cotton sheets/pillowslips, etc…
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that is native to Africa. It can be grown either indoors or outdoors and is known to have many health benefits. It is one of the highest oxygen-producing plants but also removes formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air.
Aloe vera leaves are rich in antioxidants, which help to protect against cancer-causing agents like pollutants and radiation. In addition to being an excellent air purifier, Aloe Vera has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years, dating back to Ancient Egypt, where they were used as a treatment for snake bites (among other things).
Areca Palm
The Areca palm is a slow-growing, evergreen tree that grows to about 3 to 4 feet (1 meter). It can be trained into a small tree or grow as an upright, bushy shrub. The leaves are plume-shaped and yellow-green, with three prominent veins running down each blade. The plant produces tiny white flowers on branches called inflorescences, followed by red fruit containing several seeds.
The Areca Palm is native to southern Japan and Taiwan and has been cultivated in tropical countries worldwide since the 18th century. It grows among rocks or at the base of other trees in its natural habitat. Still, it can also thrive in containers or pots when grown indoors as houseplants under bright light conditions where temperatures do not drop below 50 degrees F (10C).
Peace Lily
Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum) are beautiful, easy-to-care-for plants that make great houseplants. They’re known for their thick leaves and white flowers, which often bloom in the winter. Peace lilies need low light conditions to thrive, so they’re ideal for a bedroom or other rooms where only indirect sunlight comes in through windows. It’s best to keep your peace lily in a small pot until it fills out its container; then, you can transplant it into a larger pot or garden bed if desired.
The air around us contains toxins like formaldehyde from new carpeting or furniture finishes and benzene from gas engines and dry cleaning chemicals; these pollutants can irritate our eyes and skin and make us feel sick when we breathe them over time. Peace lilies absorb some of these toxins from the air around them!
Depending on how much light they get, peace lilies can remove anywhere from half an ounce (14 grams) up to 2 ounces (56 grams) of formaldehyde per plant daily! And if you don’t have any other plants around? No problem: one study found that placing three unplanted pots lined with soil next to each other could remove more than 100% of benzene within the test chamber–which means removing more than what was originally there!
Spider Plant
The spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is one of the most popular houseplants due to its low maintenance and versatility. It’s a fast-growing, easy-to-grow houseplant that can grow up to 3 feet tall and wide. Spider plants are known for their large leafy green stalks, which occasionally produce small white or yellow flowers.
These plants also have long trailing vines that will grow down from the base of the plant if you let them hang freely or attach them to something like a hanging basket or pot with pebbles filling up half the container so they can grow down into it.
Spider plants are excellent air purifiers and help remove formaldehyde from your home!
Weeping Fig Plants
The weeping fig plants are one of the most popular indoor plants because they are easy to care for and beautiful. The leaves are large, glossy, dark green with a distinctive pattern of veins and can reach up to 2 feet long. The plant produces small white flowers that produce beautiful fruit on its branches.
This plant grows up to 10 feet tall but usually stays between 5 and 6 feet tall as long as you keep it in moderate light conditions. As with many other indoor plants, this plant needs moderate water during summer but not too much water during winter, as it will only rot its roots.
Bamboo Palm
The bamboo palm is a beautiful, slow-growing plant that can be grown indoors and outdoors. It’s an excellent choice for low-light rooms since it thrives on minimal sunlight. Bamboo palms are also highly adaptable to many environments; they tolerate heat, drought, and poor soil conditions.
In addition to its aesthetic appeal, this plant has some essential health benefits: it helps remove toxins from the air in your home by removing formaldehyde gas (found in everything from plywood to glues). Plus, it’s excellent at filtering benzene and trichloroethylene—which are common contaminants in the indoor environment due to tobacco smoke or products like paint thinner or gasoline vapors. So make sure you have one growing somewhere near you!
Rubber Plant
Rubber plants are the ideal indoor plant for people who don’t have much time to spend on their plants. They’re durable and easy to care for, and if you take proper precautions, they can last years without requiring special attention or maintenance.
The best part about rubber plants is that they grow from cuttings! One of my rubber plants started as a single leaf that I’d snipped from a larger plant and replanted in water. It grew roots and became its little tree within a few months—one taller than me!
English Ivy
English ivy is an old-fashioned houseplant that’s gaining popularity again. It requires moderate light and humidity but doesn’t need to be watered often. English ivy produces oxygen at night, so it’s often used in offices and bedrooms where people sleep. This plant can grow into a vine up to eight feet long, ideal for hanging baskets or trellises.
- Read Also: Air Purifier Reviews
Which plants remove the most carbon dioxide?
As you may know, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This means they are great for the environment by helping reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
Another way that plants are good for the environment is by reducing water pollution. Water pollution occurs when chemicals or other materials are released into a body of water, making it unsafe for humans and animals. The chemicals in water can be harmful if humans or animals drink it. Plants, however, absorb these chemicals and remove them from the water. So, planting trees and other plants around lakes and ponds can help reduce water pollution!
Plants also help reduce soil erosion when the topsoil gets washed away by rain and wind. This can happen because plants help hold the soil in place with their roots.
Soil erosion can lead to flooding and mudslides. By planting trees around river banks and hillsides, you can help prevent soil erosion.
Which plant is suitable for your bedroom?
The best plants for the bedroom are those you enjoy looking at and don’t require too much care.
A spider plant is an excellent choice if you want something pretty but easy to care for. These plants are also known as air purifiers because they clean the air of toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene, among others. They require only indirect sunlight and must be watered about once a week.
Another good option is a palm tree plant or spider plant, which can be placed near your bedside table. These plants do not require much light or water and will grow well in low-light conditions.
If you want something more exotic-looking but still easy to care for, consider a bromeliad or an orchid plant – these are beautiful additions to any room!
8 Highest Oxygen-Producing Plants – Conclusion
We hope this post has given you some ideas for plants to add to your home or office. If you want to learn more about the benefits of these plants, check out their pages on our website.
We are excited about how many people are interested in learning more about how they can help save the planet with their choice of indoor decorating!